Problem Solving Power Lunch

Have an expert from Staff Driven Dental come to your office and meet with your entire staff over the course of a two hour lunch*. SDD will pay for the lunch and help solve the office challenges of your choice-a two hour consultation from the most sought after dental consulting firm in the country. ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE AND WITH NO OBLIGATION! There is nothing to lose and everything to gain! To schedule your FREE Power Lunch, complete the following and fax (609) 631-0783.


(* Does not need to be lunch. Other times are available. Includes 2 CE Credits.) FOUR areas that you would like to address during your Problem Solving Power Lunch:

    Here are some examples from other Power Lunches:

  • Increasing New Patients

  • Increasing Case Acceptance

  • Improving Teamwork

  • Hygiene be more profitable

  • Lowering Overhead

  • Keeping schedule full

  • Finding, training

  • Increasing Production

  • Keeping good staff

  • Reducing Stress

  • Dealing with insurance

  • Selling more elective dentistry

  • More effective systems and policies

  • What is 4 + 5 ?